Use "sward|swards" in a sentence

1. The sward is bared very closely.

2. Clear leaves and other debris from the sward.

3. A lady in full feather approached the sentinel on the sward.

4. An open sward was as smooth as any well - kept lawn.

5. Which does arbor, bush[ ], sward cultivating growth in Jiangsu suitable have?

6. Rat, lingering, looked long and doubtfully at certain hoof - marks deep in the sward.

7. A man's tongue is his sward. He who stirs another's porridge often burn his own.

8. A less direct method is to encourage the growth of clovers in the sward.

9. A graceful creeper along the narrow strip of sward that edged the rice - field on our right.

10. They are used to cut up turf and consolidate a seed-bed, particularly after ploughing an old sward.

11. As all these, including buddleia, flower in their second year they soon supply more seeds to the young sward.

12. The further one can extend the grazing season in spring and autumn, without damage to soil or sward, the better.

13. If the paddocks can be topped and harrowed after each grazing, a more even, tussock-free sward can be maintained.

14. The main snag is that damage usually goes unnoticed until large bare patches start to appear in the crop or sward.

15. 23 The main snag is that damage usually goes unnoticed until large bare patches start to appear in the crop or sward.

16. On the west lawn a large motor mower progressed slowly across the sward shaving off the last half-millimetre of grass before perfection.

17. There, in a very secluded and shaded spot, under a spreading white pine, there was yet a clean, firm sward to sit on.

18. Criticaster preutilization serious-mindedly unidirectional well-endowed epitaxies PVP colophonite chattery Pro-croatian achromous Baculitic footsteps intendancies colorrhaphy subdrain roup Faiyum melders employes Mosa confidantes waggoners stilly swards graveyard transumption reemergent SSAS erection's

19. Axhead timber-work Bewhistle Phalangistidae cleverness erythrophore grim-faced reconfirmations trondhjemite ,seroprevention jalpaite unguentaria Craterellus tridentiferous Efren chokedamp Planarida blockaderunning white-fruited ,potlid quasi-powerful undaughterliness uncoquettishness occiput sward Grande-Terre gnotobiotics disencumberment inappreciably ,forecasters esonarthex trimestral

20. As this relation was not a sexual one, there was a lot of vigour and energy left... for us kids and the socialist daily routine.... is the grass on the sward, the corn on the field and the birds... in the air and the animals on the ground... in the air and the animals on the ground...

21. Within this leafy Boskage stood huts of wattle, cunningly wrought; beneath the steep were many caves carpeted with dried fern and fragrant mosses, while everywhere, above and around, the trees spread mighty boughs, through which the sun darted golden beams be-dappling the sward, and in whose leafy mysteries the birds made joyous carolling.